
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Living the Lutz Life: March Snowstorm, Stone Soup, Nature Walk & Missing Tooth

Last week we got a pretty decent March snowfall that caused all of the local schools to close. The snow was just perfect for building snowmen and making snowballs! The kids had a blast with their new snow friend.


I took Jackson sledding, but Charlotte thinks sledding is "too scary" so she played dress-up at her cousin Cora's house instead.

Jackson and I completed a unit on rocks last week and spent one afternoon making stone soup (note the "townspeople" who brought food to put in the soup! Ha!).

The temperatures were in the high 50s last Saturday, just 4 days after our big snowfall, and we took advantage of the beautiful day by walking around at Hobart Urban Nature Preserve. Note to rainboots for future spring nature walks!


We ran into the Easter Bunny at church last weekend! Charlotte was not a fan. at. all.  She wanted nothing whatsoever to do with him. Jackson, on the other hand, thought he was pure awesomeness.

See this kid?? You have never witnessed any 5 year old go as postal as this one did when he lost his first tooth on Monday night!! Raging hysteria, I'm tellin' ya. Don't let this sleepy morning after picture fool you. Head over to YouTube and watch it for yourself!

How did your son or daughter react to losing his/her first tooth?

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